Whether it is the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) nucleic acid test or other virus testing, virus preservation solution and sampling swabs play a huge role, sampling swabs are used for the collection of virus samples, while virus preservation solution plays a role in preserving these virus samples, both to ensure the integrity of the nucleic acid virus, but also to facilitate the accuracy of later detection. How many types of virus preservation solutions are there? What are the roles and differences?
According to the type of virus preservation solution, there are currently two types of disposable virus sampling tubes on the market, namely inactivated and non-inactivated virus sampling tubes.
1.Inactivated virus sampling tube
It is a virus lysis solution containing a high concentration of lysis salt as the main component of the nucleic acid extraction lysis solution, which can quickly and efficiently inactivate the virus protein in the sample to be tested, and contains RNA enzyme inhibitors to achieve the purpose of inactivation and lysis of the virus. This type of sampling tube, not only to protect the virus nucleic acid from degradation, to ensure the integrity of the nucleic acid without affecting the subsequent test results. It also protects the detectors from the second infection of the virus. It can also be stored at room temperature for a relatively long time, saving the cost of virus samples and transportation.
2.Non-inactivated virus sampling tubes
Sampling tubes containing some kind of culture fluid, which can retain the protein shell of the virus and the viral nucleic acid DNA or RNA, to ensure the activity of the virus sample in transport. This type of sampling tube has a certain risk of infection in case of mishandling, but it can maintain the activity of the virus sample to the maximum extent, so strict attention should be paid to protection during use and transportation.
Relatively speaking, the non-inactivated virus preservation solution will have higher laboratory requirements, as well as higher sensitivity and a wider range of applications, but it is more likely to cause infection.